Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Tips to be a good writer

Here are some tips that can add a reference to the writer when it will write based on the type of writing. The following tips are also provided explanations to avoid bias in the texts that we arrange. Tips are obtained from one of the posts in the blog Jennie S. Bev.

Writing Tips : Types of Writing and structure

Scientific writing
Scientific paper requires a thesis sentence, premises, and hypotheses which can then be made stronger frame of mind to unravel again in a few chapters with in-depth research. Research methodology and deviations should be described clearly, even if I have to be quantified. Typically, these scientific writings scientific paper requires a thesis sentence, premises, and hypotheses which can then be made stronger frame of mind to unravel again in a few chapters with in-depth research. Research methodology and deviations should be described clearly, even if I have to be quantified. Typically, these scientific writings scientific paper requires a thesis sentence, premises, and hypotheses which can then be made stronger frame of mind to unravel again in a few chapters with in-depth research. Research methodology and deviations should be described clearly, even if I have to be quantified. Typically, these scientific writings scientific paper requires a thesis sentence, premises, and hypotheses which can then be made stronger frame of mind to unravel again in a few chapters with in-depth research. Research methodology and deviations should be described clearly, even if I have to be quantified. Typically, these scientific writings, including dissertations, theses, theses, and articles in scientific journals.
Strength, sharpness, and clarity of thought is to determine the end result is a bit "heavy" and "flat" because all sorts of subjective elements should be minimized, especially those that will lead to a skewed logic. This kind of paper is written based on the mind. Minimized bias in such a way with testing the hypothesis-testing and all kinds of tests are skewed logic. This paper relies on the mind, almost without the element of subjectivity alias feelings, except from Strength, sharpness, and clarity of thought is to determine the end result is a bit "heavy" and "flat" because all sorts of subjective elements should be minimized, especially those that will lead to a skewed logic. This kind of paper is written based on the mind. Minimized bias in such a way with testing the hypothesis-testing and all kinds of tests are skewed logic. This paper relies on the mind, almost without the element of subjectivity alias feelings, except from Strength, sharpness, and clarity of thought is to determine the end result is a bit "heavy" and "flat" because all sorts of subjective elements should be minimized, especially those that will lead to a skewed logic. This kind of paper is written based on the mind. Minimized bias in such a way with testing the hypothesis-testing and all kinds of tests are skewed logic. This paper relies on the mind, almost without the element of subjectivity alias feelings, except from Strength, sharpness, and clarity of thought is to determine the end result is a bit "heavy" and "flat" because all sorts of subjective elements should be minimized, especially those that will lead to a skewed logic. This kind of paper is written based on the mind. Minimized bias in such a way with testing the hypothesis-testing and all kinds of tests are skewed logic. This paper relies on the mind, almost without the element of subjectivity alias feelings, except from the author's bias background and knowledge learned.

Writing opinions
This semi-semi-scientific, but a large subjective element because the writer is free to enter the point of view of his own heart. The structure of the writings of opinions usually begins with the introduction of which can also form a sentence or a question assumptions. The conclusion is simple enough, just answer the questions in the paragraph beginning or yes / deny the assumption. Body of the article which requires a lot more data and processing thoughts.

Journalistic writing
For this type of writing this one, I was studying in the United States so that the standard used is standard, The Associated Press. The point may sound simple enough: the paragraphs arranged by importance. The more important the information, put the top. The more important and can not easily be removed without changing the meaning and credibility of reporting, will be put increasingly under. What goal? In order to save time editing.
Writing reportage of this kind usually do not include subjective elements, except a natural bias based on the background of the writer or the media it represents. From reading the article itself, usually almost no bias to be drawn explicitly.

Journalistic writing "feature"
Well, this one seems to have been taught in school. It's easy: an introduction, body, and conclusion. Preface to a summary of the body of the article, may also sentence the thesis, or whatever, including the quote that represents the contents of the article body. Body of the article can also be shaped chimney, inverted pyramid, or pipe. Write just as beautiful and sesubjektif that you want. Not so much the rule.

Writing pop, such as for blogging or "review" shortly.
Ideally remain preliminary, content and conclusions. However, if not quite the place was so short, just write down some basic ideas only. No need to rise if it is not possible. Clearly, subjectivity is very high and you can praise / insults by without much hindrance.


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