Thursday, December 23, 2010

3 important consepts in komputers

The purpose computer : Changing Data into a form of informationThe purpose of computer usage is very simple, namely to process data into information.

* Data: Data consists of facts and images that will diperoses mentahan into information.

* Information: This is data that has been 0dirangkum or manipulated for the purpose of decision making.Differences hardware and software

* Hardware: consists of all machinery and equipment on a computer system. Perankat hardware includes a keyboard, screen, printer, computer casing, and processor device itself (processor). The hardware does not mean anything if there is no software.

* Software: or program, consisting of instruction-electronic instructions that ask the computer to perform certain tasks. These instructions are created by software developers in some form (eg CD) that can be accepted or executed by the computer. Example peragkat software is Microsoft Windows and Office XP.Operasin basic computer.Regardless of the size of type, all the computers do the same four basic operations are: input, processing, storage, and output. We also add a fifth basic operations namely, communication.

* Operation input: input is anything that is entered into the computer system. Input consists of a variety of data (letters numbers, symbols, shapes, colors, temperature, sound, pressure, light, and anything that takes mentahan material processed). When you type a few words or numbers on the keyboard, then the words are called data inputs.

* Operation processing: processing is done by computer manipulation to convert data into information. When the computer to add 2 +2 to produce the number 4, then the job is called processing. Processing performed by the central processor (CPU-Central Processing Unit), which is a device that contains electronic circuitry that executes instructions in charge of processing the data.

* Operating storage: there are 2 kinds of storage (storage), the temporary and permanent storage. Sometimes called primary and secondary storage .. primary storage or memory circuit is an internal computer that stores data temporarily when about to be processed. Secondary storage or storage abbreviated enough, associated with the media tool that allows you to store data or information permanently. Floppy disks (diskettes) or hard disk storage is an example of this type. (Storage also stores the software or computer programs).

* Operation Output: Output is the result of any "out" of the computer system, which results in the form of information processing. Sample output is the number of images displayed on the screen, the words printed on paper, as well as an array of music that was played through speakers ..

* Operation of communication: These days, most computers (though not all) have a communication capability as an extension function. With a wired or wireless connection, data input can come from a place far away, processed with control elsewhere, are stored in several different locations, and the results can be seen elsewhere. But, you do not need this communication function if the only writing letters, doing calculations, or the tasks of "standard" another computer.Basic operation mentioned above will be discussed more fully in the next post ....

source: google


Irfandi said...

iki opo to ?

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