Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Writing Barries and The Solutions

Writing Barriers

Thinking that Writing is a difficult thing.

Writing is hard, and of course the writing is difficult, for those who think so. And when we looked at each other instead, write will feel light and easy. We live to move your fingers over the keyboard keys, or mencoret2 on paper. The more accustomed we are, the more nimble and adept we do it.
Changing the paradigm is the first thing to do to become a writer so unreliable that productive in the work.
Writing only need 1% talent, and the rest is our willingness in trying, trying and always try!

Lazy Habits & Procrastination.

The second habit is that we must break the habit of laziness and procrastination time. For novice writers, the idea does not appear every time. Therefore, putting off a job writing resulted in the loss of their opportunity in the work.
When the idea came, immediately grab a pen and paper and start writing. If not possible, note the global ideas that became the key word. (We can write it in HP, for example).
Schedule one or two hours a day to write. Commit to yourself to keep to it.

Think that We Do not Quite Competent.

Because of limited thinking, sometimes we limit ourselves to topics that we know. We write only on the scope of which make us 'comfortable'. In the long run, these habits make us stagnant and can not develop themselves.
Learning new things is the key to open our horizons. There will be many ideas rolling if the 'container' in expanded self. If we do not feel competent in the field of literature, it means that from now on we must multiply the reading of literature. When we are totally blind philosophy, it means that from now on we have to enrich the vocabulary wise than its predecessor.

Run out of Ideas.

Sometimes, when in front of the computer screen, or when already holding a pen and paper, an idea that had been heavy rain coming, as if suddenly disappeared.

What's the solution?

a. Record memory reset, closing her eyes, reconstructed what had occurred.

b. KEYWORDS Reread that have been written / recorded previously. (When the rain came the idea, immediately record the important ideas, that interest).

c. Do Icebreaking by:

Blogwalking: reading material or the stories of other people's work, Searching the images with respect to ideas that will be written, to strengthen the power of imagination.

Play music to suit tastes! When our writing evocative nature spirit, turn the music a rather stomping. When we are writing contemplation / contemplation, play music with slow rhythms.

Good luck ...! :-)


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