Writing Tips EFFECTIVE:
Writing is one of positive activity, as one of the media a powerful tool for overcoming stress. By writing, we can dump all the burden of our feelings, so that previously thought was 'cloudy' will become clear.
Writing activities can also be used for ideas or ideas that exist in our minds, so it can be read and understood other people. By writing, we can share knowledge and learning outcomes to others so beneficial for others.
Although it seems easy, but it turns out in practice not everyone is easy to perform these activities. Many of them are actually having trouble the first time about to write. Sometimes they get stuck ideas / thoughts, sometimes middle reluctant / lazy, felt unable, incapable or incompetent, fearful, and others. All these constraints MUST Although it seems easy, but it turns out in practice not everyone is easy to perform these activities. Many of them are actually having trouble the first time about to write. Sometimes they get stuck ideas / thoughts, sometimes middle reluctant / lazy, felt unable, incapable or incompetent, fearful, and others.
All these constraints MUST be destroyed, if we want to be a writer so unreliable that productive in the work.
1. Start As soon as may be
If an idea comes, immediately pour what's in the head. Do not wait or procrastinate! Sit in front of your computer / laptop and start to write ALL that comes to mind. Do not pay attention to punctuation or spelling errors. When the moment things are not possible (because the middle on the road, away from the computer, etc.), take a pen and paper. KEYWORDS Write the main points of the mind the idea. Develop the idea shortly thereafter!
If at any time we want to write, but no idea rolling, do not worry. Close your eyes. Record repeated events that we experience all day. Are there any who have an impression? Do not rush to judge that all these events just flat. Record reset the memory return us once again. Who's where this afternoon? At home, what interesting sights on the trip? Buses crowded city? Children singers? Trees? Shoot one of the most interesting point of interest.
Start writing, writing and writing. Pour everything in mind at the time. Express resentment, sadness, disappointment, anger, hatred, regret, concern, or admiration. It could also wonder, hesitated, feeling happy, compassion or love. Break down the boundaries of existing dogma. Do not mind where the posts made. Whether prose or poetry form (?), Is a story or an opinion (?), Do not pay attention now. Keep writing, until the pen is dry, to fill the head feels empty ...
2. Accompanied by music
The right hemisphere of our brain becomes active when stimulated by music. Therefore, choose your favorite music, for the mood to write to stay awake. The presence of music to suit your mood, will make writing that we make more life.
3. Choose the time that Best Match
Get up early is actually a great time to start writing. Inspiration can sometimes be addressed through a dream. Therefore it's good we remember our dreams before. Note the key word, if we do not possess more time to wake up early is actually a great time to start writing. Inspiration can sometimes be addressed through a dream. Therefore it's good we remember our dreams before. Note the key word, if we do not possess more time to write. Later, after there is free time, develop those ideas.
Busyness workers sometimes make some people do not have the time to carve the inscription. Therefore, some people feel comfortable to write in the afternoon, or evening. Silence is usually able to increase the power of imagination.
To become an effective writer, we must begin to commit to time. Choose leisure hour or two each day, to write. Pick a place that makes us comfortable in writing by reducing as much as possible interference from outside.
4. Expand Physical Activity
By frequently moving, motor neurons we will be more developed. Many new experiences that can be recorded brain, and this is very good for inspiration and sensation-imagination. We will more reliably tell you about the details of driving a car if ever at the helm, right?
Regular exercise will make us to be physically healthy and strong. It is important to do, to offset the write activity that often takes energy.
Brain gym is also recommended for relaxation, to relax their nerves are tense.
5. Describe the Details
Once we spill 'pen on the table', it's time to 'clean the stain-stain'. Spelling typo, incorrect punctuation is the 'stain' that must be eliminated.
Next, ask yourself, will be taken in the direction where the writing is? Opinion or story?! Poetry or prose?
The power of poetry is to spell the words. Rhyme and rhythm is the power of his supporters. If the work we would like to create poetry, compact enough words. Eliminate the words are useless.
As far as possible eliminate the less important the word affixes, such as: 'a', 'then', then ',' then ',' next ',' and ',' next ',' moderate, 'will', 'has', and In other words a waste.
Re-read our poetry to more pervading sensation. Find equivalent word and avoid the use of repeated words, unless it is intended to increase the firmness of the meaning or events.
When we work in the form of prose, add the setting / background story. Strengthen the picture that arises, which will add to the description and narrative writing.
6. Reading Habits Grow
Writing and reading is a habit linked to each other. Many new insights that will be achieved by a lot of reading. Learning from other people's work actually makes us learn how the creative process they are formed.
Increase the reading material will make us become more broad insight. Many new things will we get from there, like the variety of life with all the trinkets and its meaning, use of language and word usage, writing style and so forth.
Reading magazines, newspapers, novels, short stories, song lyrics, poems, articles, nonfiction books, proverbs, comic, or whatever can also trigger the arrival of inspiration. Therefore do not hesitate to write such an inspiration that comes suddenly.
7. Use a Color Code
Examples of the use of color (based on the idea / notion):
Yellow for the writing with respect to cheerfulness, blue for depth of meaning and appreciation, for the encouragement and reminders of red, green for freshness and coolness (or is associated with nature), etc..
Examples of the use of color (based on the function of writing):
Black to all early writing. Red for the word or phrase that is still in the editing process (at that time not yet discovered the word / phrase that is more fitting, a more representative). The green paper represents the word / phrase that has undergone the process of editing. Blue paper represents a new idea, or additional ideas that are inserted in a sentence or paragraph ... and others.
8. Challenge yourself
The biggest enemy is yourself. If you have managed to conquer it, the real success of a matter of time! Selfishness itself is a character himself, which, if used for appropriate purposes, will greatly help the success and success.
Therefore, Challenge ego is in us. Dare to accept the challenge: make a paper one day?
Good luck ..!!!