Writing Motivation
Most people assume that writing is something that is difficult. They did not even know where to start first time.
This assumption is of course wrong, because only by taking a pen, we are able to scribble something. When you are in front of your computer / laptop, we can immediately type in anything on the head. Well, after you finish writing, review writing. Amazing, is not it?!
If you want to develop the writing, it helps us follow the habits of 7 Habits Stephen R Covey style, always refer to the End. In other words, what you write, it should be meaningful or useful (in Quantum Learning, this is called AMBAK: What benefits me).
Motivation in any case, including the writing will flow profusely if we can formulate our goal in writing. An array of the following, may be a driving force ourselves :
1. Work demands.
The authors of the script / story, journalists, perensi usually write because of the demands of their profession. Their existence will be in harmony with creative ideas that they created.
We may not have the same profession with them, but so we too can write as productive with them. Some way, among them a 'mimic' their habits in works.
Every morning, usually a journalist began hunting news. Afternoon or evening, they will make the news must have completed at midnight, before printing for publication the next day.
In the same way, we can imitate their steps. Every day a lot of 'news' that we can write. Starting from the home environment / place to live, work environment, daily activities. What we need to do, provide a few hours to record the events that we think is most interesting to write about that day. Try writing done on the spot. Bilapun yet, at least there satu'draft 'writings that we have made on that day.
2. Social Interaction.
The more sophisticated the present information age makes more and more space to communicate. Exchanging news by email, join the community mailing list, follow social networks like Facebook, Multiply, etc will be able to trigger a productive ourselves in writing.
Social or personal relationships with others can we make as a writing material. The existence of new information we receive, will increasingly enrich the discourse so that it can push yourself in work.
3. Want to be recognized / get the award.
One of the basic human needs is to get recognition / praise. The proliferation of blogs is a testament to that in humans there is a need to exist. Writing is one means of gaining recognition and appreciation from others.
When other people read our papers and they appreciate the positive, it will trigger itself to be more productive again in the works. Therefore, let's make friends with people who always support and motivate us.
4. Self-satisfaction.
There are times when people write to her satisfaction. Usually the person is a person who writes with all my heart, mind and soul together, with great taste. Type of writers like this, it usually will be able to bear the highly anticipated masterpiece readers.
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